Download Page for PC computers

Version 7p0p0


This page is the link to downloading the PC version of Caver Quest. Recently we had issues on our server that erased the exe version. If this happens, then try downloading the zip version and expand it to get the setup.exe file. Please report any special issues, questions and comments to the developer.

Download PC version of setup.exe



To install the program on a PC:

1. Download the "CaverQuest_v7p0p0_Setup.exe" file to your computer; by default, it will probably go to your “Download” folder, but you could “Save As” to put it somewhere else (e.g. your “My Documents” folder).
2. Double-click on the CaverQuest_v7p0p0_Setup.exe file.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
4. After installation, you may delete the CaverQuest_v7p0p0_Setup.exe file if you wish.

If you have issues, you might take a look at this pdf file. Free

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Rev. 5-9-2024
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